The sacraments of Baptism, the Eucharist and Confirmation together constitute the sacraments of Christian initiation. Through the sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. As a young Christian matures through adolescence, he/she grows spiritually and prepares himself/ herself to receive the Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit.
For the sake of convenience the Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred to those studying in STD. XI or equivalent. This is not a rule, but a pattern followed, since, during that academic year, the candidates are comparatively less busy with their studies. The Bishop will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation sometime in March or April.
The process begins in June, when those considering themselves for Confirmation have to prayerfully consider this step they are to take along with their parents and family members. If they have all agreed to undertake this step, they have to make a written application to the Parish Priest. On submission of the application, they will be issued a Registration Form. The Registration Form along with a copy of the Baptism Certificate and registration fee has to be submitted before the due date mentioned therein.
Role of Parents:
Most importantly, it is the support of the primary faith givers, the parents or guardian to be the role model in the young adolescent’s lifelong journey of faith. This support can be offered in many ways, specifically by maintaining an ongoing dialogue with the student in faith development and attending weekly Mass with the student.
In order to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, candidates must freely accept to participate in the following:
- Rite of Enrolment/Acceptance:
- Class Attendance:
- Parish ministry:
- Sacrament of Reconciliation:
- Rural Exposure:
- Advent and Lenten Recollection
- Letter to the Bishop:
- Confirmation Rehearsal :
- The Confirmation Mass:
- Interaction with the Animator and the Ministry Heads:
- Active Participation in the Neighbourhood Youth Group:
- Prayer Service in the Small Christian Community:
Since Confirmation marks an important milestone in the spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth of the candidate, the members of the Small Christian Community will pray over the confirmands of their community or zone that they may obtain the grace to face the problems and challenges in their lives.
The Zonal Leaders will finalize the date and time of conducting the prayer service in the SCC with the help of the Community Leader. The Prayer Service will be recorded in the confirmand’s Log Book.
Apart from the 12 activities mentioned above, there will be other programs like a visit to Kripa Foundation, Praise and Worship programs, vocation camps, youth events at the diocesan or the Jesuit Province level which all candidates should attend.